Wednesday, October 15, 2008


i knew i would never be much of a blogger! over a month and not a peep to my faithful readers (all 2 of you ;) ). i could make lots of excuses- in fact, the nyc default is just "i'm so sorry, i've been really busy."

but the truth is i just didn't feel like writing about the election or about school, which are two topics that have been preoccupying my feable mind. what can i say? summary: i hope mccain and palin suck an egg and realize that racist, low road tactics and lies will only win you a trip back to wasilla, alaska. i actually watched a pbs special about richard nixon the other night, and the comparisons between his campaign tactics and the current ones mccain has employed are striking. and look where THAT got us! (cough, watergate, cough)

i recommend that pbs special by the way. in fact, i just recommend pbs. it's fantastic.

so in an unpolitical, unrelated vein: tasmanian devils are becoming extinct due to an aggressive species-specific cancer. how fucked up is that?

that is enough out of me for now methinks. back to my stewing about john walnuts mccain.

1 comment:

Stiney said...

I had to leave the room when McCain was talking about abortion last night. I managed to get through his first response, and then he started speaking again and I had to leave. I couldn't listen.