Monday, July 7, 2008

if you can't beat 'em, join 'em

So today I have started a bit of a personal experiment, and we shall see where it takes us. The truth of the matter is, I hate blogs. I have always hated blogs. In fact, I hate blogs so much that I began one two years ago and abandoned it after the second post, despite being abroad and having all the makings for one of those adorable, witty travel blogs.

This simple truth may lead one to believe that my decision to launch a new blog is evidence of one of two things: profound self-hatred or boredom. We can exclude the first possibility right off the bat because I really do not hate myself, as will likely become evident in the self-righteous overtones of this little dandy. As for boredom, I work 2 jobs and go to grad school full time, making option two highly unlikely.

If we are inclined to be less negative (why not?), we may also attribute this peculiar decision to the handsome hoard of snarky material that I have been accumulating since I moved to New York, the likes of which I am simply itching to share shamelessly and semi-anonymously with the world. The dating scene (in which I do not directly participate, thank goodness- see, ring finger of left hand), election 2008, NYC office culture, NYC graduate school culture, and NYC subway lack of culture- these are daily realities, among many others, that will probably make frequent cameos on the pages of this pristine outlet for oversharing.

First and foremost, I am a people watcher and avid commentator on the charming/infuriating inconsistencies that characterize mankind. I hope to be true to these identities without becoming too much of what my brother has dubbed a "blog superstar."

So there is my introduction! Must go tend to my pot of vegetarian chili, so more soon.

Ciao ciao

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